Promoting Well-Being by Showing the Path to a Healthier, More Vibrant Lifestyle
Empowering Health through Self-Care since 2011
At the International Self-Care Foundation, we believe that self-care is not just an option but a fundamental pillar of overall health. Established in 2011, our nonprofit organization is committed to promoting self-care as an essential component of wellbeing.

The Seven Pillars of Self-Care
Following the seven pillars of self-care leads to improved health, significant savings in healthcare costs, and enhanced productivity. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to embrace these principles in their daily lives.

ISF and SCARU have teamed up to provide a comprehensive self-care app to support your own efforts.
You can download the free App HERE
ISF Facebook Posts
Today is #NoSmokingDay so why not take the opportunity to help someone you know quit. Smoking not only can have devastating effects on your heart and lungs but can also affect vision. Quitting smoking is one of the #sevenpillarsofselfcare
Today is #WorldObesityDay. It’s a time to remind ourselves and policy makers that obesity has a $4.32 trillion global impact on health. Maintaining a healthy weight is great #selfcare and cuts the risk of noncommunicable diseases ow.ly/LupY50V9vhB #sevenpillarsofselfcare
Good oral health has more benefits than just clean teeth. A study has shown that daily flossing can help cut the risk of some types of heart disease. This simple #selfcare activity could save your life and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Read more here: ow.ly/kesl50V8VeV
Getting quality sleep is excellent #selfcare. But do you know the keys to getting proper rest? This article will improve your sleep and contribute to #selfcareliteracy: ow.ly/YJ8150V8GRq #sevenpillarsofselfcare
Calcium is needed for strong bones & keeping your heart beating and your muscles and nerves functioning, as well as helping maintain healthy blood pressure. Choosing the right foods is good #selfcare and healthy eating is one of the #sevenpillarsofselfcare ow.ly/vgqT50V5sku